
For the love of the Number π.
In search of the spore drive

Our brands:


1. small batch test brews

For larger breweries, we offer a test brew service. Wondering about the right amount of additive, type of hops, yeast strain or fermentation temperature? Before you implement a large scale plan, you can have us develop and execute a small batch test brew with real-time monitoring of the entire process allowing you to determine a number of modifications. More….

2. development of recipes

If you want to introduce a new type of beer but don’t have the time to develop a recipe, you can outsource the entire process to us. We will produce an agreed number of small batch test brews according to your guidelines, after which you will be able to choose the most suitable final result together with full production documentation. More….

3. new strains and yeast propagation

We have been cooperating with the ‘BioWar’ scientific association at the University of Silesia for several years. As part of a project at the University, yeast strains unique to the brewing industry have been isolated and together with our friends we are implementing them into production. You can also order through us the propagation of any yeast strain under laboratory conditions. More….

Badanie, profilowanie szczepów drożdży



A combination of modern art, street food and craft beer under one roof: Absurd. When you first enter this extremely colorful bar, you might mistake it for an art gallery, as the first large room features a changing selection of avant-garde contemporary art.


Załoga statku kosmicznego

We are launching the ST4R-KR4FT mission in 2022. Our team includes passionate individuals with years of experience gained on small and large pot stills, in home and commercial breweries, in production and distribution. In a word, like working women and technological ninjas, we are not afraid of any job and will take on any task without hesitation.

The heart of our brewery is Athanor, a two-tank 5 hl brewhouse designed by us to brew both light beers and extremely extractive beers with a density well over 30 Blg.

Warzelnia dwunaczyniowa athanor w browarze.
Zbiorniki fermentacyjne w chłodni.

There are 48 unitanks, each with a capacity of 2.5 hl, and two 10 hl lagering tanks for the yeast.